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The most economical electricity price on the market from 0.05514 € / kWh

Electricity for the House

Protergia MVP

Protergia MVP Home
the most economical market price from € 0.05514 / kWh

Double Energy MVP

Double Energy MVP
50% discount for gas and electricity, for 2 whole years!

Power for Business

Protergia Επαγγελματικό 1 MVP 50

Protergia MVP 1
for low voltage professionals, with installed power up to 25 kVA

Protergia Επαγγελματικό 2 MVP 35

Protergia MVP 2
addressed at low voltage professionals with an agreed supply power greater than 25 kVA and up to 250 kVA

Double energy MVP για την επιχείρηση

Double Energy MVP
50% discount for gas and electricity, for 2 whole years!

About its official partner of Protergia. Protergia is the Electricity and Natural Gas Sector of MYTILINEOS, the largest private energy company in Greece. Protergia has an energy capacity of 1,200 MW of thermal units and 222 MW of Renewable Energy Sources and covers more than 10% of domestic electricity demand.
The partners of are ready to inform you about the complete Protergia solutions for your home and business. By ensuring cheap high-efficiency electricity, we improve your daily life, helping you to consume less energy and save money.

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